
Dear Como-Pickton Parents and Students:

I wanted to take a moment to share with you some of the things that I believe you may have questions about regarding our school closure. First, and foremost, I want to let our students know that we miss them as we finish up our regularly scheduled Spring Break. We would like nothing more than to open our school up as normal this coming Monday; unfortunately, that isn't what would be in everyone's best interest at this time. Only a few days ago, there were eleven counties in Texas that had confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus. Yesterday morning, I learned that number jumped to fifteen counties affected.

As of this afternoon, there are seventeen counties affected. A few days ago, throughout the United States, there were 1,600 confirmed cases, and today there are more than 3,000 confirmed cases. These numbers continue to escalate quickly, and I believe that the best way to protect our school community is to limit our social interactions, including the closing of our school system. In the last several days, over 569 school districts in the state have voluntarily closed their schools. Twenty states have already ordered all of their schools closed, but Texas has not taken this step yet. It is a large state, and it has opted at this time to leave those decisions up to local authorities who may or may not be affected.

While I only ordered our school closed for this upcoming week, I anticipate that we will be closed for a much lengthier period of time than that. I cannot guess how long that will be, so at this point we will take it at a week by week basis. Even while our school is closed, our job as public servants is to make sure that we provide academic instruction to the children of our Como and Pickton communities. We want to make sure that our students have what they need both nutritionally and instructionally. This week, CP administrators and I are developing plans that will allow us to serve students while school remains physically closed. By Thursday of this week, I will be able to communicate to you what that entails. If our school is still closed on Monday, March 23rd , we will begin implementing that plan.

Furthermore, we will also have a plan in place by that same day to provide breakfast and lunches for our students who need them. Finally, UIL has ordered its extra-curricular activities canceled until the end of March. This may or may not change, and we will keep you posted on any changes in our restrictions to practices as well.

Parents, during these uncertain times, my administrative team and I will try our best to share as much information with you as possible. It is new to all of us, and I am sure we will make mistakes along the way. Please know in advance that we are moving forward with a servant's heart and any of those mistakes are unintentional.

Students, we miss you. We love you. We hope to see you soon. Stay away from large crowds and gatherings.

Very truly yours,

Dr. Greg Bower

Estimados Padres y Estudiantes de Como-Pickton:

Querfa tomar un momenta para compartir algunas de las cosas de las cuales pienso que tengan preguntas sabre la clausura de nuestra escuela. Primera, y principal, quiero dejarles saber a nuestros estudiantes que las extranamos, ahora que termina las vacaciones de primavera regulares.  Que quisieramos nada masque abrir nuestras puertas de la escuela coma serfa la normalidad  este Lunes que viene. Desafortunadamente, esto no serfa en el mejor interes para todos en este momenta. Solo hace unos cuantos dfas, 11 condados en Tejas confirmaron  casos del virus COVID-19. Ayer par la manana, me entere que este numero ha brincado a 15 condados afectados. Desde hoy en la tarde, son 17 condados afectados. Hace unos cuantos dfas, par media de las Estados Unidos, habfa 1,600 casos confirmados, y hoy hay mas de 3,000 casos confirmados. Estos numeros continuan creciendo con rapidez, y yo creo que la mejor protecci6n para nuestra comunidad escolar es limitar nuestras  actividades  sociales, incluyendo la clausura de nuestro sistema escolar. En las ultimas dfas, mas de 569 distritos escolares dentro del estado han elegido cerrar sus escuelas voluntariamente. Veinte estados ya han dado la orden que sus escuelas cierren, pero Tejas no ha tornado ese paso aun. Es un estado muy grande yen este momenta han optado dejar que sus autoridades locales tomen esas decisiones para quienes sean afectados o no.

Mientras que he ordenado que nuestra escuela cierre solo par esta semana que viene, anticipo que estaremos cerrados par un periodo de tiempo mas largo que eso. No puedo adivinar que tan largo sera, asf que par este momenta lo vamos a tomar semana par semana. Aun mientras nuestra escuela esta cerrada, nuestro trabajo coma sirvientes publicos es asegurar que la instruccion academica no les falte a las estudiantes de las comunidades de Como y Pickton. Queremos asegurarnos que nuestros estudiantes tengan lo que necesitan tanto nutritivamente coma educativamente. Esta semana, las administradores de Como-Pickton y yo estamos desarrollando planes que nos permitira servirles a las estudiantes mientras que la escuela permanece cerrada ffsicamente. Para el jueves de esta semana, yo les comunicare que conllevan estos planes. Si nuestra escuela sigue cerrada para el Lunes, 23 de Marzo, empezaremos a llevar a cabo las arreglos. Ademas, tambien tendremos arreglos para proveer desayuno y almuerzo para nuestros estudiantes que lo necesitan, ese mismo dfa. Par ultimo, UIL ha ordenado todas sus actividades extra curriculares canceladas hasta el fin de Marzo. Esto quiza cambie, o quizas no, pero las mantendremos al tanto si hay cambios a estas restricciones para las practicas tambien.

Padres, durante este tiempo inestable, mi equipo administrativo y yo, intentaremos lo mejor para compartir tanta informaci6n sea posible. Es alga nuevo para todos nosotros, y estoy seguro que cometeremos errores al paso de esto. Par favor, esten al tanto de antemano que seguimos adelante con corazon de siervos y que cualquier error es sin intenci6n.

Estudiantes, las extranamos. Los amamos. Los queremos mirar pronto. Mantenganse alejados de multitudes grandes y juntas.


Dr. Greg Bower